
Monday, September 30, 2019

Importance on Being on Time Essay

The Importance of Being On-Time The principal reason for this essay is since I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the right place of duty for PT/Accountability formation at the appropriate time. Though there was a miscommunication, granted on my half, there’s nonetheless no excuse for me to miss a formation. I desire to be a great soldier and I desire to excel inside military. The first step I need to put into action is often making sure I am at the appropriate place of duty at the proper time or preferably with time to spare. This can be a simple task that’s easy and painless to ensure, and it’ll be accomplished. When hearing the term â€Å"be on-time†, almost every individual can comprehend what that phrase means; since it’s been a phrase that’s been used through-out history. This phrase has so many positive/negative consequences that it is unbelievable. A phrase with so much importance, that it must be written and displayed by others to understand it. The societies we live in use this phrase â€Å"be on-time† for many reasons. Every company, school, banks, and etc use it in their policies and their daily lives; from being on time for work, to completing an assignment on time. It helps display a foundation on how an individual preserves themselves, as well as for companies and organizations. It displays their professionalism to others. It provides security in objectives knowing that everything is going according to schedule. As such, this simple phrase â€Å"be on time† comes with many positive consequences if followed correctly. There are many obvious reasons as to why being on time is important. Just by showing up on time it shows that you have the maturity, responsibility and professionalism. It shows that you’re a hard worker and that you’re ready to get the job done. As well, it makes you reliable to take on objectives when they are presented to you. Just â€Å"being on time† will just bring so many positive out-puts, from getting the promotion to a manager, to shaping a better Army. In the Army (in any branch to be more precise) tardiness is unacceptable, so being on time is very important. When someone is late, it makes everyone else run behind on the future objectives they have that day. If an NCO announces that everyone will eat together at a certain time, he expects everyone to be there at that time. However, if someone is late, it will make the rest of the soldiers wait on you, just so they can eat; but even though they can simply hold off and skip chow, food is a vital part to the Army. Soldiers’ need the fuel in order better perform at their duty stations through-out the day. Even with that one soldier being late to eat, it can ruin the whole day for the rest of their battle buddies. One soldier being late can make the schedule completely disrupted. Not to mention that when everything is running behind, everyone will have to end up staying late for that work day. It turns the whole day very hectic and then people tend to get irritated very easily. It would make things run much smoother if everyone was on time. So when someone one is late, not only is it rude but it also messes up other people’s schedules. When someone shows up late, it makes them come off as flaky and people will think that you do not care about your career. On top of that, it’s very disrespectful. When being late or tardy, you are showing that you are not a professional. It can also be assumed that you do not care or respect your job the way you should or need to. When your employer begins to think that you are careless with your job or don’t care about your job they can decide that you are no longer a valuable asset to their company. Once your employer thinks you are no longer an asset to their company they can choose to fire you or they will keep a closer eye on you and wait for another reason to fire you. Being late can cause adverse actions to take place. Adverse actions can range from counseling to an Article 15 or even an early discharge, when in the Army. In the civilian sector it can range from job probation to being fired. In either sector, being late can cause a lot of strain on your job or even cause you to lose your job. This can also affect your life outside of  work by causing trouble at home. In today’s world finding a new job is not an easy task. This means that if you were to get fired from your present job you may not be able to pay bills. On top of that, you let your co-workers/comrades down when you do not show up on time to work. When you fail to show up on time, you’re causing your peers to have to do your work as well as their own. This can cause the mission for the day to be slowed down dramatically. When the mission is slowed down this can cause your leaders to fail at meeting deadlines that may be needed to be met at a specific time in order to meet other deadlines on missions that may be more important than wondering why you are late†¦ Due to the fact, accountability is one of the fundamentals of the military. It not only brings personal responsibility but it also shows the organization of a unit. The US Army depends solely on its soldiers, enlisted, warrant officers and commissioned officers alike. The military would not be anything without the soldiers. When soldiers are not there to perform there duties or they are late, that brings down the efficiency of the unit. Accountability is a great trait to have but it only comes with punctuality. Punctuality shows you are responsible, honest and can follow directions. Punctuality is not just an order that the Army requires, but also a great very own trait that is certainly a reflection of the person’s character, it shows which you have very own integrity and self-discipline. Though some of us are occasionally late due to circumstances beyond our control, habitual tardiness shows a lack of respect for other individuals and their time. If someone is late usually that shows that they more then almost certainly do not care about what their NCO tells them. Time is often a precious gem that should not be wasted at any cost. Should you do not use your time wisely; you are able to in no way get it back. It is a quite specific resource in that you just cannot store it or save it for later. Promptness isn’t only a duty, but can be a part of very good manners; it’s favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and  usefulness. Lack of punctuality is really a theft of somebody else’s time and a complete lack of respect for others. You need to be punctual in everything you do. Punctuality goes hand in hand with military discipline. Recruits are taught to obey, promptly and with out question, orders from their superiors, appropriate from the day one of boot camp. Military discipline and effectiveness is made over a foundation of obedience to orders. That is why we are supposed work so well being a team. With that being said, being late is becoming a more and more common trend among people of all walks of life, especially in the United States Army. This is completely unacceptable and it violates the Army Values, costs the military more money, and reflects very poorly on the soldier and his first line supervisor. There are many methods available to prevent being late as well as proper steps to take once you know you are going to be late and there is nothing else you can do about it. The Army Values, Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. When you are late to anything, whether it is a formation or appointment, it goes against nearly all of these values that are instilled in all soldiers. All soldiers are supposed to display the ability to be an effective leader at all times. This is impossible if you are late. For example, if you are a Specialist promotable and late to a few formations that is noticed by the privates around you. Once you make Sergeant they are going to remember those times you were late and question your ability as a leader. It is your duty to follow the orders of those appointed above you as long as they are lawful and moral. When you are told to be at a certain location at a certain time then you are expected to be there. If you can’t perform the simple task of arriving on time, like a formation or keeping an appointment, then it shows that you have no responsibility. Respect is the key to a functioning Army all the way around. Respect must be shown from there is no way you can meet the requirements for duties that require more subordinate to leader, and vice versa from leader to  subordinate. Not arriving to a formation at the appointed time is pure disrespect toward your leaders, and if no respect is shown toward your leader, then it will never be returned to the subordinate. When you chose to be late it shows that you are more worried about yourself than your unit or your career. So in overall, don’t be late. Yes it is understandable that there are going to be those days where the situation was out of your hands. However, most of the time, it’s not. So if any one is planning on making the Army their career for the next 20 years like I am, then start by showing up on time; in fact early so everyone can know that you are taking your job as a Army Soldier seriously.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) System

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is specifically designed to enable personnel throughout an organization to view the set of data rather than requiring it to be moved across applications. The new SAP Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) are based on the concept that personnel should have confidence that the information they have is as accurate and up-to-date as what others in the enterprise are receiving and, therefore, everyone is on the same page. It also intended to gather data using one piece of software to optimize the organization of that data and make it easier to access and manage. Because of that the enhanced SAP Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) helps to unify Acterna. Gain product and sales benefits are the potential the product has in collaboration with outside companies. By doing this, the outside company would have a up-to-date information and idea about the organization, and clarify the issue that they may have. It will also expanding the organization’s market reach. The enhanced SAP product is intended to make information available to all personnel in the enterprise who need it. It overcome the traditional functional silos that have historically inhibited the free flow of information in enterprises. A traditional data structure where each functional area has its own data, tied into separate applications. Communications between the silos is often difficult and expensive. On the other hand, centralized data structure where data are shared will reduce and eliminate the need for communication just to transfer data because all have access to the same data. Plus, the interface with users is standard across different company modules, it minimizing the training required for personnel who change their jobs within the company. Therefore, the convenience of data access and minimize cost are some of the main reasons why Acterna would make the investment in this software.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Postmodern Art: A Public Art Medium Essay

So much has changed in the art world in the past few decades. Because of the rapid growth of technology, democracy and globalization, arts today are more mass-oriented, so that many resources and facilities for both the appreciation and the production of arts are made available and accessible to all. It is predictable that arts will play a more active role in this century. In fact, this notable shift in arts is one of a characteristic of Postmodernism. In general, Postmodernism deems art as â€Å"a form of cultural production† which reflects cultural conditions. They question those â€Å"good† arts and â€Å"good† designs. They try to blur the boundaries between â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad† aesthetics. Hence, the interaction between the artworks and the audience makes the audience, in a way, part of the art. Thus, communicating with the public becomes a crucial part, and as an example fits well into this new cultural paradigm — it is â€Å"public art†. One of the philosophies of Postmodern Art is emphasizing collaboration and participation. That is, production is not only artists’ business. In the South Bronx in New York, one of the poorest and most dangerous parts of the city, artist John Ahearn and his assistant Robert Torres created life-castings of people in the neighborhood by collaborating directly with the community that will come into contact with the artwork. These people participated and supported the art, becoming the part of production. Meanwhile community gives artists a location, inspiration and purpose. The definition of art suddenly becomes not so absolute and exclusive. Participants now can express their ideas and thoughts, therefore raising the possibilities of new forms of creativity. John Ahearn’s sculpture project is not only one example focusing on general public. Another eminent Pop artist, Claes Oldenburg embodies the concepts of postmodernism in his public artworks, such as â€Å"Clothespin† and â€Å"Dropped Cone†. By creating sculptures of mass culture objects, again, Claes Oldenburg aimed to blur the distinction between â€Å"high† and â€Å"low† culture. That is to say, there is no more hierarchy of culture and that the topic of art may gain from any source of life. Under the trend of Postmodernism, artists today are also assigned to the new responsibility, and this new idea redetermines the intrinsic values of artworks. If we consider art as a form of social practice, art can be seen as an approach that people participate and decipher the images and symbols of the world. Since art is a means of participation, the challenges of artists nowadays are not only producing new artworks, but also producing the artworks that serve as a stimulus for revaluation and interaction of culture and people. In other words, the meaning of art in this era is not so simple to display the aesthetics. It is about how to interpret and transcode our culture, and then reconstruct what we had in the past.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Business Environment - Essay Example The UK has a rising level of its output being exported across borders and overseas and it is an open economy (Holden et al, 1995, p.44). It is at present number eight as the largest exporter in the world for goods and number two in being the largest exporter for services. It also has highest ratio of outward as well as inward investment to the GDP among any of the leading economies in the terms of capital flow. Inevitably the pattern as well as the balance of trade of goods and services changes over the time, this is reflection of movement in the relative prices of different traded goods as well as the shifts in the comparative advantage in various global markets. Other factors that affect the trade pattern are decisions of foreign investment of the UK as well as overseas companies and economic development and growth of countries, regions etc. Major part of UK’s trade of goods and services is carried with the countries that are part of European Union. Since UK became a part of EEC in January, 1973 there has been long term shift in its trade with the European Union. The trade growth has been pushed by single market; this has led to trade diversion and the trade creation effects (Aylott, 2007, p.4) Trade of UK with the countries in North American region has declined, although the U.S still is the largest single market for exported UK goods after EU (Great Britain Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 2011) , comprising of 15% of the total exports of UK. Over the previous 15 years trade with the countries that are oil exporters has declined in its relative importance. In the year 1979 percentage of UK’s exports which went to these countries was 10%, which is now only a small percentage of a little over 3%. Apart from the exports the imports from this oil exporting countries has also fallen. Another important change in UK’s pattern regarding trade in geographical sense is its rising share of trade with the fast growing and emerging ec onomies in Asian region. These include Malaysia, China, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan. The rate of growth in Indian economy is also probable to help boosting exports to sub-continent in future years; this provides businesses in the UK to grab export opportunities in this region. Analyse the impact of global factors on UK business organisations International trade is crucial for the UK, like any other country. If the UK did not participate in international trade, it would not be able to acquire many different materials that are needed to produce products that are used every day, especially concerning food industry. Cold climate in UK makes it rely on other countries with hotter climate to import fruits like mangoes and bananas which don’t grow domestically, similarly the countries with hot climate rely on countries like UK for vegetables like potatoes to import (in UK’s case, export). If international trade did not exist people in UK and everywhere else ac ross the globe will have very limited choices, and business will not have enough markets to expand. There are various global factors that would affect the business

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Consciousness, Creativity and Identity Assignment

Consciousness, Creativity and Identity - Assignment Example Men’s rugby has received immense publicity while women’s has received minimal. The men who feature in advertisements for rugby have protruding biceps and broad chests like weights lifters. In those advertisements, they use force and excessive energy when countering their counterparts. The subtext in these advertisements implies that women lack the physical capacity to play rugby and this is incorrect. In fact, some women are better body-built than some men are. Using physical capacity as a basis for not featuring women in rugby entrenches the traditional patriarchal stereotype that women are weaker than men are (Harrington p4). Exemplified tactics in rugby are another concern in considering the explicit absence of women in the arena of rugby. In traditional patriarchal societies, women were not allowed to engage in some activities because they were thought of as not having the mental aptitude required to handle them (Harrington p9). A similar notion is implied when rugby media coverage and advertisement conspicuously miss to mention anything about women. This is a notion that has been disproved, clearly, by the modern woman who ventures into almost every activity to which they were previously restricted and rugby is not an exception. Discipline is more of a personal matter than one that depends on sex and gender. Individual differences play an important role in a person’s predisposition to discipline. However, some commentators have observed that women are more likely to exercise restraint than men are. If this were to be used in comparing male and female rugby players, females would rate better males. Discipline alone cannot make a good rugby player without the other elements and as such, it would be unfair to exclude women from the game if they succeeded in blending all the elements (Harrington p4). Additionally, the extent to which a player exercises discipline in a game is influenced by their goals and objectives in the game and if women

Digital Media in North-Western University Personal Statement

Digital Media in North-Western University - Personal Statement Example As the paper stresses after an extensive study, the reporter is certain that Kings University amid its worldwide eminence for superiority, and international alumni network excellently fits the interests he has and his upcoming profession. Your department proficiency in Anthropology is particularly valuable for him.This discussion highlights that  what the author will contribute towards the course, besides his remarkable passion for this discipline, is a global viewpoint from his education in and diverse communication placements in North-Western University. He was a member of the student Association in North-Western University, a treasurer of the 20Q, Culture club as well as purple project (social services) at NUQ. Moreover, the reporter is the Co-President of the football club. To add on, he has studied persuasion theories as well as research methods contain an extra cognitive approach. He has completed a research paper that examined the Graffiti impact on Egypt throughout the Arab spring. From that class, along with another course known as Arab TV, he had a focus in comprehending more about the Media’s impact towards politics and vice versa. The author also studied feminism in various backgrounds.  The reporter values you taking into account his request and he will be humbled being characteristic of your Bachelor’s degree in communication course in October 2015. He comprehend that you’ll enroll the most excellent applicants within the discipline and he is certain that he will prosper within that setting.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Future potential for growth of BMO, BMO Nesbitt Burns, Libro Research Paper

Future potential for growth of BMO, BMO Nesbitt Burns, Libro - Research Paper Example Hence, the future growth potential for this company, expressed mathematically could be 0.016%. However, there are other methods that be used in funding the growth, the BMO’s growth potential just like other firms in Canada is hugely dependent on the expansion of the economy after factoring in inflation. These methods can involve the rights issue in which the company pools resources from the shareholders. The company should resort to the overseas market to establish a global presence in the light of other global financial services heavy weight such as Barclays, and more so in the emerging markets, and in particular the Bric countries. The future potential growth although dimmed by the mathematical poor showing at a paltry 0.016% can be redeemed through rights issue. Already the company has presence in Beijing China and Singapore, the company needs to spread its wing to Russia and India, and other large industrial cities in China, such as Shanghai and Guangzhou. This is the investment service wing of the Bank, and just like its parent company, it holds a lot of future growth potential. The future growth potential of this firm is directly linked to the value of human resource available that can positively improved the net value of the companies fees as well that of the clients. Unlike the case of the parent company in which the focus was market expansion, the future growth potential for BMO Nesbitt Burns shall be pegged on its income potential, which is the ability to predict increased income. BMO Nesbitt Burns is an cap Canadian domestic portfolio, hence they have positioned the portfolio based on the greatest returns they can get. A dollar investment daily and the greatest return from the dollar can be the company’s greatest strategy be it a small capitalized company or a large capitalized automotive company. 5366.79 Another important means of determining the future potential of a company is through the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Anecdote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Anecdote - Essay Example This is precisely the reason why beauty of art and literature does not affect as anymore. In the meanwhile, art is also transforming humbly, digressing from its earlier norms and requiring more skills to analyze it and understand it. At the same time, no matter how obese Americans are, no matter how indifferent they have become towards political and economic issues around them, a desire of human contact and affection remains there. However, it is hard to identify if this need is sufficient enough to provoke one to notice beauty of life once again. Tuma mentioned that there are rays of hope still available by mentioning a dying lady who is more than willing to take care of nature and protect it. Hence, life has evolved, people even art has shown evolution. It’s just a matter of time when this change becomes acceptable and becomes part of our lives without making us socially ignorant. Part B In my view, anecdote is an interesting way of telling a story and creating main theme by using abstract ideas and symbolization. Detailed analysis of Tuma’s mannerism of telling an anecdote helped me in understanding that in order to tell a story, one does not need to be straight forward. One has to leave an element of surprise and let the reader think and get indulge in the story. Similarly, events defined should be interwoven effectively and whole fabrication must follow a logical pattern. However, the element of surprise must not be aggressive that readers find it hard to relate to anything that they are aware of. Simple example can be Tuma’s anecdote called ‘Shooting the Air’. When he began, the readers had no clue what he is about to talk about and this was... Anecdote is an interesting way of telling a story and creating main theme by using abstract ideas and symbolization. Detailed analysis of Tuma’s mannerism of telling an anecdote helped me in understanding that in order to tell a story, one does not need to be straight forward. One has to leave an element of surprise and let the reader think and get indulge in the story. Similarly, events defined should be interwoven effectively and whole fabrication must follow a logical pattern. However, the element of surprise must not be aggressive that readers find it hard to relate to anything that they are aware of. Simple example can be Tuma’s anecdote called ‘Shooting the Air’. When he began, the readers had no clue what he is about to talk about and this was precisely the gist of his writing, ignorance towards society and art. He began with simple cluster of unrelated event and went onto explanation of a dead man followed by Iraq war and Americans’ indiffere nce attitude towards government policies. By explaining series of unrelated events, he continued to demonstrate how art has evolved over the period of time; it is abstract with a certain degree of humility. Hence, reader continues to ponder what element he will discuss in the next paragraph. An anecdote has to have a degree of spontaneity and surprise in it which is what Tuma’s writing is all about.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Comparison between the Decolonization of Algeria and India Research Paper

Comparison between the Decolonization of Algeria and India - Research Paper Example This essay analyzes similarities and differences in patterns when looking at the decolonization of India and Algeria. In both cases, the revolutionary movements began after the Second World War. This compromised European countries since they had for decades benefitted from the resources in their colonies. Similarly, the rising nationalism in India and Algeria played a major part in the decolonization process. In the process, both countries were split along ethnic and religious lines due to the disagreements that ensued. After World War II, colonial powers of Europe which included France in the case of Algeria and Britain in the case of India became weaker. This was a result of the war which had greatly affected their economies: they had no funds to run bureaucracies in the colonies. As a result this, they had to subdue their colonies even more to gain ground and make use of the immediate available resources which could be used to revamp their frugalities once more. The European natio ns used force and abuse to gain control of the local elites. The war had caused them a major blow. After this, they could not pay Africans and Asian workers decent wages, and they opted for forced labour and other ways of discriminations. This did not go well with the locals; lacking food, clothing, medical care, water, shelter and even working for long hours was painful enough. Millions of Africans and Asians had gone to Europe to help with the war. Upon arriving home, they organized strong revolutions which enabled India to gain Independence in 1947. Algeria, like most African states, gained its independence in 1962. Therefore, there is similarity in what led to the decolonization: gaining experience in the world war and later coming home to fight the colonial masters. This independence was very difficult to achieve without the support of external parties like the United Nations Decolonization Committee which was formed much later. While different historians look at the history of colonisation in two opposing views, one thing remains constant, the death toll that trailed the struggle for independence for most former colonies. It’s well documented by the time India gained independence in 1947; conflicts between Indians and Muslims had grown and became so intense that Muslims broke off to form their own nation the present-day Pakistan while Hindus formed India. The remaining alienated communities in those nations respectively instigated the genocide of Muslims and Hindus in both countries. Regardless of the various historic recordings of how countries received their independence, it is clear that the struggle for independence was the same for all former colonies. A good example of this can be seen by comparing India, which has gone down in history as the only colony to have gained independence without war, and Algeria, where war and violence were reported in its struggle for inde

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Digital Bangladesh Essay Example for Free

Digital Bangladesh Essay Bangladesh is resounding with the target of achieving digital Bangladesh. Broadly speaking, a digital society ensures an Information and communication Technology (ICT) driven knowledge-based where information will be readily available on line and where all possible tasks of the government, semi-government and also private spheres will be processed using the modern technology. So, a digital Bangladesh must guarantee efficient and effective use of modern ICT in all spheres of the society with a view to establishing good governance. In other word, making Bangladesh a digital one, we have to establish technology driven e-governance, e-commerce, e-production, e-agriculture, e-health etc. , in the society emphasizing the overall development of the common people. Building strong ICT infrastructure is the pre-requisite for making Bangladesh a digital one. For this, we need to focus on the following relevant issues assessing the harsh reality that hinders our development in this context. Latest statistics reveal that Bangladesh faces a power deficit of up to 200 MW against a demand of 5000 MW daily. It may be noted that for proper ICT development an uninterrupted power supply is a must. For the ICT development Internet users of the country must be increased. In this case our position is the worst one among the South Asian countries. From different sources, it has been learnt that, English language literacy rate in Bangladesh is lesser than one percent. Whereas, English language literacy rates in India and Pakistan are 60% and 20% respectively. There is a strong correlation between English literacy and ICT development in the present context of Globalization. In the arena of ICT English has become the Lingua-Franca. Though the above accounts seem to be frustrating one, these can be easily overcome within a reasonable span of time if we can establish good governance in the country. For making a digital Bangladesh by 2021, the government must address the above stated issues effectively and efficiently in transparent manners. In many cases we need to reformulate our national policy (e. g. education policy, ICT policy) in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals. It the leaders of our country objectively guide this generation, they can do wonder for the nation.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Genome in Rainbow Trout and Steelhead

Genome in Rainbow Trout and Steelhead (lead author John Whitt) Abstract When being thrown into a different environment those new pressures can lead a population to have fast changes via natural selection. These evolutions can occur at a species level or can occur between two closely related species that have differentiated but share a common ancestor as long as the trait is beneficial for them. Population genetic and quantitative research methods have proven that certain linked areas of the genome in rainbow trout and steelhead are tied to the life history strategies of their species. Using genotype testing on 95 nucleotides it has been determined that the specific chromosome that is responsible for the life history strategies is Omy5. 1.   Introduction Being thrown into a new environment leads to quick changes in a population and the traits may even change in multiple species if they are being acted on be the same environmental forces. Different species who share a common ancestor that develop similar phenotype changes due to the habitat pressures acting on them are said to have parallel evolution. These physical changes may arise from the same genetic change in both species or can stem from different regions in both species that happen to cause the same phenotypic expression. While it is not impossible for parallel evolution to occur from a random new mutation it is much more likely to occur because of a sequence change in existing alleles. It is extremely important for researchers to determine the location of the genes they are testing for and without this, it is impossible to see how evolution is occurring at the genetic level.   It turns out most of the important traits are not controlled by a single genetic or habitat factor . They are often complex and difficult to locate.   The most difficult to genetically locate are traits that affect numerous physical changes, influence the behavior, or have a physiological effect on the species.   The researchers are using advanced techniques like genomic mapping and screening along with sequencing the entire genome of the animals being tested to help locate the area of the genome that is being affected from these rapid evolutions caused by new environments. There have been many genetic studies done on the migration of animals and it commonly accepted that genetics play a major role in the phenotypic differences that accompany these migration characteristics. These threshold traits are determined not only by the physical traits but also by the animals physiological traits. Though migration has all these complex traits that act on it researchers have also found single genes that have effect on the migration of animals as well, so it can also be quite simple at times. The single Clock gene in the Pacific salmonid is a large contributor on when the salmonid migrates.   One of the worlds most abundant and common fish is the Oncorhynchus mykiss. O. mykiss have one of the most comprehensive migratory variations. For example the rainbow trait never leaves freshwater whereas the steelhead are more located in the salt water.   It has been determined that these varying migration tendencies are genetically passed down. Though the differences be tween the steelhead and the rainbow trout are great they are the closest related O. mykiss. Steelheads have more of a complexity when it comes to factors affecting their migration. They have the typical traits that usually affect migration, but also have smoltification which gives them the traits required to go from freshwater to saltwater and ability to travel far.   The rainbow trout on the other hand only keeps the ability to swim in fresh water but gain the ability to sexually reproduce sooner. Past studies have been completed on two populations of O. mykiss that happened to be separated by an environmental barricade. They were then tested for Fst value and found that the loci had the highest values displayed linkage disequilibrium which means that they were not independently assorted. The loci were also genetically located at the same position in both fo the populations. When further tested it was determined that the two populations had 3 loci that had linkage disequilibrium as well as allelic frequency patterns that matched with gnomonic mapping tests that gave the same locations for characteristics growth rate and smoltification. These were all found on the Omy5. These determined that the Omy5 location was responsible for all the traits across populations even if they were separated, meaning that there was no genetic flow going on between the two.   Miller and colleagues goals are to find out how SNPs that coded for physical traits like maturation time, growth rate, an d smolting from past experiments are linked to the Omy5 gene. 2. Material and methods (a) Population samples Using locations from California and Oregon 21 samples of steelhead and rainbow trout were obtained from populations that were separated by natural or artificial barriers. They took the samples from above and below the barriers and also took samples from rainbow trout hatcheries, so that they could have samples from all the life stages. They believed that all of the fish samples that were obtained in the wild were of natural origin, but were not one hundred percent on the status of the hatchery samples. (b) Marker development, genotyping and analysis Miller and colleague discovered 344 single nucleotide polymorphisms that were linked to Omy5 with RAD sequencing from two of the hatchery strains. They created 55 unique SNPtype assays by adding 150bp from cloned BAC strains onto the flanking sequences of the SNP. They also utilized assays that were developed by other researchers.   Miller Pearse et al also used three loci found by Abadia Cardoso and his colleagues.   For the analysis part, they used EP1 systems and followed the recommended protocols. They used two control groups for every array. Linkage disequilibrium as well as, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were test for. Miller and colleagues only counted p-values that were under the Bonferroni-corrected value due to the large number of linked disequilibrium tests. They quantify the Omy5 in different ways. They ranked 55 loci of the Omy5 based on the r2 values and then compared those to rest of the loci. R2 value is calculated by checking to see if an allele is present at two di fferent loci. For example, one could look for allele 1 at locus 1 and locus 2 and then one would check to see if allele 2 is present at locus 1 and locus 2. These result could then be used to calculate r2.  Ã‚   Using statistical packages the researcher visualized linkage disequilibrium of the Omy5 in all of the population sampled. They also computed the amount of linkage association that was over the critical value that was shared between locus and loci. For a reference population Miller Pearse et al used the Scoot Creek steelhead because it had the biggest sample size and have had the greatest polymorphic loci.   To find if there was a link between Omy5 and life history Miller took allele frequencies from all the populations and compared them to one another still using the Scott Creek as a reference population he determined the frequency p for all the sample populations. 3. Results and analysis (a) Genetic data There was a total of 95 single nucleotide polymorphism tested eight of those failed due to not being amplified, did not show signs of polymorphism or werent in line with Mendelian segregation.   This left Miller with 87 loci which were comprised of 55 Omy5 loci and loci from the other 32 were on other linked groups. Of these 87 it was determined that 4 were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. (b) Population structure Based on the 32 loci from other linked groups it was determined that they followed a similar trend as that of past studies. Stating that the closer the populations were to each other the more related the populations would be. Miller found when looking at the Omy5 loci it was the opposite meaning the population displayed a high separation between the populations that were separated by the waterfalls or dams. (C) Linkage disequilibrium Miller performed a total of 495 linkage disequilibrium tests on the 32 other linked groups. After the tests were Bonferroni corrected for numerous attempts it was determined that none of those groups had a significant value.   Miller now looked at the loci of the 55 Omy5 groups and the results were that out of 1430 there were a total of 602 that were significant, which gave them a total of 42% of the test samples having a significant p-value. These results conferred that the linkage on Omy5 was, in fact strong. To visualize linkage disequilibrium in all of the populations Miller took the values for the r2 which went from 0.008 0.53 (no units) and used these to order the populations. Miller found that there were 14 loci with r2 values that exceeded the critical value which is 0.9. Once analyzed there obviously a cluster of loci that were in strong linkage disequilibrium. (d) Allele frequency and haplotype variation among populations The results for allelic frequency variations agreed with the linkage disequilibrium analysis performed on the 55 Omy5 loci.   The results also gave groups of the loci whose frequencies were closely related and were linked to populations that were above and below the natural or artificial barriers. Miller took the loci with the greatest average r2 values and labeled them as one linked haplotype. These 30 loci were linked to the steelhead and rainbow trouts life-history strategies.   Miller Pearse et al then used the haplotype to determine the haplotype frequency for the steelhead and rainbow trout by using their average allele frequencies. Miller Pearse et al found that rainbow trout haplotype frequencies were higher in the areas that were above the barriers and had significantly decreased haplotype frequencies in the below barrier populations. This was accurate with the collecting data of the rainbow trout as they were found in the four populations that were taken from above the natural and artificial barriers. Miller and colleagues then compared that new species versus the older species and found that the older species had a great number of Steelhead haplotypes. 4. Discussion Miller concludes that the results prove that adaptation in natural populations can occur rapidly and are caused by the environments pressures that act upon those populations. Miller also states that artificial factors have a higher evolutionary influence on the populations than is seen with natural selection. What is still unclear to Miller is that how these pressures affect the genetic evolution of the populations. For example, if species are undergoing parallel evolution are they just developing similar traits that are better suited for their environment, or are these changes also occur similarly at the genetic level. Miller Pearse et al results imply that the parallel pressures of natural selection are also having parallel affects genetically. These effects are occurring specifically on the Omy5. Which they have concluded to be linked to the life-history patterns of that population and used the data collected from the frequency haplotyping to demonstrate that the population respon ds to environmental pressures that are acting on them.   The Omy5 also acts as a command center of some sorts and controls actions like migration. Looking to the past Millers et al experiment is in line with others performed. There have been experiments that have used different populations of sticklebacks and moved them from their normal saltwater environment to a new freshwater environment which resulted in the loss of defensive traits like armor. There are also examples of Scott Creek population that went through a pigmentation change even though it resulted in a reduction in the fitness of the population.   Miller hypothesis that life-history strategies are linked to the genetic of the population, specifically at the Omy5 region is supported by his and these past experiments. There is also evidence from past experiments that suggest that Omy5 has resistance to recombination, and is likely due to chromosome inversion. This is interesting because the region that is responsible for the change in life-history patterns is resistant to change. Could look at this like the population of O. mykiss do not want to change those traits .   It is also important to note that it is not hundred percent sure exactly what traits are being affected by the Omy5 section of the genome. It is known that the Clock gene is within the Omy5 region. The Clock gene has been linked to smolting and it is hypothesized that sense smolting is extremely complicated that there are multiple genes that are responsible for its coding. (a) Conservation implication. Miller also states that his results are showing a decrease in rainbow trout in older above barrier location and the hypothesis that if enough time passes there might be no rainbow trout in above barrier locations due to the migration history patterns of these fish, so far his hypothesis seems to accurate, because all of the rainbow trout they collected were below the barriers.   He also states that because of the artificial barriers that do not allow the populations to make migration chooses of their own that it locks them into this cycle even more. Meaning that if they were natural barriers the fish might be able to find a way past them, but since they are artificial barriers like dams that are meant to block passage that the above barrier and below barrier populations are going to stay separated.   Miller Pearse et al discusses the effects of large closed bodies of waters or reservoirs and states that these could be the reason for the higher frequency of rainbow trout haplotype since these environments favor their population more so than the steelhead. Miller and his colleagues experiment give many facts about the rapid evolution due to environmental pressures caused by a change in habitat, but they also provide some more subtle information that may be lost in the numbers. Millers experiment shows declining number of rainbow trout in older areas and presents facts about how artificial barriers affect the different population of fishes. The article also discusses how only the fish that are below the barriers are protected.   This is probably not the best way to try and keep these fish population from being endangered. The reason being that both species share such a close ancestor that they are both able to produce the same phenotypes, which should result in both of them being protected.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Developing Smoking Interventions in Nursing

Developing Smoking Interventions in Nursing Hannah Burrell-Davis Regulatory and legal documents are essential for appropriate nursing practice and influences the way nurses work on a daily basis. The Nursing council of New Zealand’s code of conduct and the smoke-free environments act 1990 are examples of these, having huge impacts on the way nurses practice today. It is important to reflect on how these may influence the nursing practice in New Zealand. The Smoke-free Environments Act 1990 was established to aid in the protection of those individuals who do not want to smoke or be around second hand smoke in order to prevent any detrimental effects to their health. The smoke-free environments act solidifies this by ensuring that those that do smoke do not inflict any health implications on those who do not smoke themselves, this is ensured by reducing the amount of tobacco substances exposed to non-smokers, and adequate regulation and control of the marketing and advertising and promotion of tobacco products. This can be successfully achieved through the sponsoring of other products, events or services and/or directly. Another purpose of the smoke-free environments act is to ensure that the presence of harmful constituents in tobacco products and tobacco smoke is monitored and regulated. Finally, a health sponsorship council needs to be established, which will aid in promoting health and encourage healthy lifestyles (Smoke-free Envi ronments Act, 1990). The smoke-free environments act is broken into 2 parts to aid the amount of tobacco use and its harmful effects, these parts include having smoke-free workplaces and public areas, and control of smoking products. These two parts are centred on the protection of individual’s health and reducing the amount of youth that is impacted by second hand smoke. The Nursing Council New Zealand (NCNZ) holds the responsibility for the registration of nurses; it acts by protecting the safety and health of the community and public by ensuring that nurses are competent and fit to practice. The NCNZ has many methods and rules set in place to maintain this and fulfil this function, one of these being the NCNZ Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct should be used by nurses to uphold appropriate behaviour, not only in the professional role, but must also continue to have a high standard of behaviour in their personal lives. This is primarily because nurses must gain the trust of the public. The Code of Conduct has a set of values and principles that are essential for nurses to understand, they also aid in the understanding of professional practice and can be applied in association with the Smoke-Free Environments act. The values in the NCNZ Code of Conduct include respect, trust, partnership and integrity. Respect is a major value that should be very a pparent in nursing practice, as the code of conduct suggests, treating others with respect means behaving towards individuals with worth and respect for their health and wellbeing (NCNZ, 2012), this is essential for a nurse to understand. Not only is it essential for the nurse to understand during nursing practice, it is important to understand in personal life situations, in regards to smoking a smoker must have respect for those who do not smoke or wish to be around second hand smoke, this includes the health professionals that do smoke. Encouraging the decreased use of tobacco is a skill that can be very effective in the nursing practice, with smoking cessation however support from the nurse is very important. Along with trust, respect, integrity and partnership, as the code of conduct implements, support is another very powerful intervention that must be applied in nursing practice, in particular when it comes to successful smoking cessation. Nicotine addiction will be a major contributor to most of the withdrawal symptoms, these can be hard to deal with and fear of the unknown is paramount, hence the importance for support. At this stage a referral to nicotine patches, lozenges and gum will help the withdrawal symptoms. Support can include providing reassurance to the patient, reinstating that there is help available and reminding them that this is the first step of treatment to benefit the health of them and their family/whanau surrounding them. It is also important that the nurse considers the age, gender, disab ilities/disorders and ethnic group of the individual attempting to quit smoking. Here the nurse would implement the values and principles in the code of conduct, doing so by ensuring that their practice is culturally safe. The code of conducts principle, partnership, can be utilised at this stage as nurses must also work alongside patients during the smoking cessation process, it is important that patients are given adequate information about quitting in a manner that they can understand in order to make an informed choice about their care and treatment(NCNZ, 2012). This can be applied to nursing situations, as the act outlines that smoking in workplaces is prohibited, this includes health care settings, such as hospitals, community health services, hospices, dental surgeries, aged care services etc. However although smoking in workplaces is prohibited, as stated in the smoke-free environments act (Smoke-free Environments Act, 1990), people, including health professionals continue to smoke in such areas. The Waikato Times author Maryanne Twentyman documented an article in which the Te Aroha District Community Hospital was scrutinised for such anti smoke-free behaviour. Te Aroha 69 year old man was a patient when he spent two days at Te Aroha District Community Hospital, and although he could not fault the nursing care he received, he was shocked and disgusted with the lack of smoke-free policies on the hospital grounds. He states â€Å"I was appalled to see the staff puffing up a storm close to the hospital entranceways† (Twentyman, 2012) . Smoking close to the entranceways can be harmful to the patients, people can walk through the smoke and the smoke can waft into the rooms, putting the patients at risk, which is an example of nurses not following through on the NCNZ Code of Conduct’s values and principles and the smoke-free environments act by not having the patients’ health at best interest. To prevent this from occurring the act states that there must be dedicated smoking rooms in hospital care institutions and these must be equipped with a mechanical ventilation system. Appropriate and acceptable nursing practice must always be aware of the impacts they or others have on a patient’s health. Another key requirement of the smoke-free environments act is to prevent young people from being influenced by seeing other people smoke, particularly in homes and schools. (Smoke-free Environments Act, 1990). This can strongly be impacted by nursing practice, in particular by community nurses. Rowa-Dewar and Ritchie (2014), suggest that children are particularly sensitive to second-hand smoke (SHS) and the risk associated with it, due to their faster breathing rate, they inhale more pollutants per their weight than adults. What some parents may not be aware of is that SHS lingers in the air long after the cigarette has been extinguished, and children will still be exposed to the risk it entails. Community nurses are uniquely placed to intervene in such health behaviours in the home setting. Community nurses can use such useful strategies as to educate and build upon the importance of parental desires to protect their children. It is hopeful that this desire will emphasize the interd ependence of their health behaviours and how this may impact their childs health. According to Rowa-Dewar and Ritchie (2014) most parents are shocked by the levels of SHS in their own homes and want to protect their children. Although the smoke-free environments act has no influence over the smoking environment of the home, it certainly stretches to the alternative young people’s environments, such as schools, early childhood education and care centres. According to the act no persons are to smoke in any parts of these premises at any time of any day, including the entrances. Smoking cessation is without a doubt a major factor that nurses can have a strong influence over, not only does it affect the health of themselves and their surrounding family/whanau, it can have a huge impact on disabilities, illnesses and even such injuries as bone fractures. When a fracture occurs, it is vital that the healing process begins as soon as possible; this is because delayed fracture healing can have a significant effect on a patient’s wellbeing. However such factors that could result in a potential delay includes smoking. All the elements that are in cigarette smoke are associated with the impairment of fracture healing, as a combination they inhibit the conditions required for a timely fracture healing, with nicotine being recognised as a risk factor for reduced bone density. (Miller, 2014). The smoke-free environments act has a purpose to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco use on people, nurses have the power to influence smoking habits and the continuance and encouragement of smoking cessation should be present. Smoking is implicated in numerous detrimental health impacts and many illnesses and disabilities. Nurses have a major role in aiding in the decreased use of tobacco smoking and therefor an increase in health worldwide. Such pieces of legislation as the Smoke-free Environments Act and the New Zealand Nursing councils code of conduct, continue to develop and impact on the nursing care that is received today, encouraging nurses to offer their best nursing practice to decrease serious health complications. References Miller, S. (2014). How Smoking can Hinder Fracture Healing. Journal of Emergency Nursing,22(4), 28-30. Rowa-Dewar, N., Ritchie, D. ( 2014). Protecting Children from Smoking in the Home: An Ethics of Care Perspective. British Journal of Community Nursing, 19(5), 214-218. Smoke-Free Environments Act, No. 108. (1990). Retrieved from http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1990/0108/latest/DLM223191.html The Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2012). Code of Conduct for Nurses. Wellington, New Zealand: Nursing Council of New Zealand. Twentyman, M. (2012, January 25). Smoking near hospital doors disgust patient. Waikato Times, p.24.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Geography and Biodiversity of Acre in Brazil :: Geology

Acre is the Westernmost Brazilian state, and neighbor to Amazonas and Rondà ´nia, spanning about 55,000 square miles. Its capital Rio Branco is home to the 288, 907 of the total 438,489 denizens (1996). The whole of Acre is contained within the Amazon Basin and 93% of it is tropical rain forest. Notwithstanding the great extent of deforestation, the biodiversity of Acre and the surrounding Amazon Basin remains extensive; there are the mammoth trees, countless species of palm trees, vines, bushes, ferns; there are copaà ­ba, Brazil-nuts, various fruits such as cupuaà §u and graviola; species of insects, fish, the parrots, araras and other birds, so rare that scientists have yet to describe them; there are cicadas, caimans, the rays, the land-and sweet-water turtles, tapirs, the monkeys, and jaguars. First Rubber Tappers The first upsurge of immigration to the Brazilian Amazon resulted from the European and North American industries' need for rubber at the end of the 19th century. "Seringalistas " as the owners of the new rubber companies, would acquire huge areas of the Brazilian rain forest in order to extract the raw material for the rubber (the latex from the rubber trees). This "rubber boom," which brought wealth to the cities of Belem and Manaus, was eliminated with the British rubber production in Malaysia. Therefore, many of the Seringalistas went bankrupt and returned to the northeast. Once again this condition was reversed during the Second World War, when the Japanese, who were allied with the Germans, usurped the Malaysian plantations. In order to conduct war one must have a supply of rubber, so rubber was once again in high demand in order to supply the allies against the Germans with rubber. People from northeast Brazil returned to extract rubber, which caused the second wave of immigration from the northeast. This time the flood of people was termed the "rubber soldiers" because they had the choice either to go to war against the Germans or become rubber tappers (people who extract latex sap trees and later dry the sap to create rubber). Development of the Amazon Brazil had an uncharted frontier to conquer, but the Amazon was in the way. So the Brazilian government resolved to encourage the clearing of forests and the conversion of previous forestland to pastures via tax benefits and direct subsidies. "With government subsidy in one hand and a chain saw in the other, ranchers and colonists advanced over the rain forest at a frightening pace," felling and burning 23,000 square kilometers (8,880 sq. Geography and Biodiversity of Acre in Brazil :: Geology Acre is the Westernmost Brazilian state, and neighbor to Amazonas and Rondà ´nia, spanning about 55,000 square miles. Its capital Rio Branco is home to the 288, 907 of the total 438,489 denizens (1996). The whole of Acre is contained within the Amazon Basin and 93% of it is tropical rain forest. Notwithstanding the great extent of deforestation, the biodiversity of Acre and the surrounding Amazon Basin remains extensive; there are the mammoth trees, countless species of palm trees, vines, bushes, ferns; there are copaà ­ba, Brazil-nuts, various fruits such as cupuaà §u and graviola; species of insects, fish, the parrots, araras and other birds, so rare that scientists have yet to describe them; there are cicadas, caimans, the rays, the land-and sweet-water turtles, tapirs, the monkeys, and jaguars. First Rubber Tappers The first upsurge of immigration to the Brazilian Amazon resulted from the European and North American industries' need for rubber at the end of the 19th century. "Seringalistas " as the owners of the new rubber companies, would acquire huge areas of the Brazilian rain forest in order to extract the raw material for the rubber (the latex from the rubber trees). This "rubber boom," which brought wealth to the cities of Belem and Manaus, was eliminated with the British rubber production in Malaysia. Therefore, many of the Seringalistas went bankrupt and returned to the northeast. Once again this condition was reversed during the Second World War, when the Japanese, who were allied with the Germans, usurped the Malaysian plantations. In order to conduct war one must have a supply of rubber, so rubber was once again in high demand in order to supply the allies against the Germans with rubber. People from northeast Brazil returned to extract rubber, which caused the second wave of immigration from the northeast. This time the flood of people was termed the "rubber soldiers" because they had the choice either to go to war against the Germans or become rubber tappers (people who extract latex sap trees and later dry the sap to create rubber). Development of the Amazon Brazil had an uncharted frontier to conquer, but the Amazon was in the way. So the Brazilian government resolved to encourage the clearing of forests and the conversion of previous forestland to pastures via tax benefits and direct subsidies. "With government subsidy in one hand and a chain saw in the other, ranchers and colonists advanced over the rain forest at a frightening pace," felling and burning 23,000 square kilometers (8,880 sq.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Truman Doctrine :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All things in history have a place and time. In fact we are history. Had it not been for the previous events in world history, our existence could have been questionable. What would have happened if Hitler did take over the world? Would we be alive today? What if the cold war turned hot at some point? All these doubts tend to help an individual realize that everything in world history happens for a specific reason and therefore everything has its own time and place. One significant event in United States history had been the Vietnam War. However, the Vietnam War that I speak of didnà ─≥t last from the mid 1960à ─≥s to early 1970à ─≥s. Rather, the events that had lead up to the proceedings of the situation in Vietnam began on March 12, 1947 with the creation of the Truman Doctrine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Proceeding World War II, the threat of communism had been particularly high. In fact, the US feared the spread of communism within many undeveloped regions throughout the world. Therefore, within the Truman Doctrine incorporated the policy of containment. The policy guaranteed immediate aid to Greece in Turkey, which had been in danger of falling under communistic influences. Within such, the policy stated they would provide military and economic help to a country that was underdeveloped and being endangered. In reality, the policy was designed to secure countries that would easily fall to a communistic regime. President Truman had established this to create a sense of security not for the US, but the world as a whole. Truman believed that Russia was out to spread the sphere of influence in the east. In return, the US had been there to prevent such occurrences. Each country battled for its own beliefs. The policy of containment could be argued to be an initial yet distant spark for a happening in Vietnam. Nonetheless, President Truman left his imposing mark on the world history with his Doctrine and policy. Many still continue to argue that all post 1945 US Foreign Policies were in some way or shape related to the tactics of containment. In 1954, the Presidential tide was turned and the US was fresh out of a 3-year war campaign in Korea. The threat of communism had been rather high. The fear that life in the US might never be the same hit the hearts of many Americans. No American was prepared to give up their rights that had been fought for so hard in not one, but two devastating World Wars.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Gender Trait Chart Essay

Complete the chart by listing seven traits you believe are associated with male or female behavior. Examine the differences of these traits between genders. Identify whether the differences are biological, social, inherent, or learned. Explain why. Gender Trait What are the trait differences between genders?  Are the trait differences biological or social? Are the traits inherent or learned? Why? Nurturing Women are more nurturing than men re. They show signs of being more emotional and caring. inherent and learned it seems to be associated with genetics but also through the expectations of society- women are expected to be more nurturing and caring. Sympathetic Women are sympathetic then men are however some males have carry the same trait Learned and inherent women tend to be more sympathetic and nurturing which is mostly learned but can also be inherent. Dominant More of a male trait, being dominant tends to show the male is in charge. Inherent and learned this trait can be inherited but also learned men are obligated to be more â€Å"macho† and being dominant proves masculinity. Aggressiveness Male trait Inherent and learned men are suppose to be rough and show fearlessness in some sort of way, this is the perspective from society.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Fool in King Lear

â€Å"The Fool both emphasises and relieves the tragedy of the play. † Discuss. The fool is a continual character in the workings of Shakespeare. The Fool is usually a cunning peasant that uses his intellect to outdo people of a higher social status. This is particularly the case in the play King Lear. Lear’s jester, the Fool, is indeed a very strange character. He uses crazy talk and merry songs to give Lear important advice. Not only is he important in the development of the plot but he’s important in the development of Lear’s character and also has an important role in the development of the mood in the play.The Fool is one of the wiser, if not the wisest, characters in the play and emphasises the tragedy in that his sharp and mocking double-talk and his constant stabs at Lear’s dignity add depth while at the same time entertaining. He somewhat narrates and activates the audiences awareness of important issues in the play. This is especially so a t the end of Act III scene ii when the fool addresses the audience. â€Å"This is a brave night to cool a courtezan. I'll speak a prophecy ere I go:†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He is the voice of reason throughout the play which is ironic because of his part as â€Å"the fool†.Furthermore, the king’s jester has an important part in the development of the king’s character. It seems as if the Fool's purpose is to make Lear see the world as it is and to help him laugh at his horrors. He basically acts and speaks as Lear’s conscience. When Lear is foolish, he bluntly points out the mistakes he has made and tries to help his king see the results of his actions. The fool can get away with pointing out the horrid truth because he is supposedly mad but that means that people don’t always listen to his advice where they should.However, Lear almost treats his jester like the son he never had and therefore somewhat prioritizes what he says, even if most of the time it is not what he wants to hear. Perhaps the fool of King Lear is different to other Shakespearean fools because he is not the average comic fool. Some of what the fool says is funny, but mostly he emphasizes the horror of the tragedy. It is humor that lets him go further in helping Lear than Kent or Cordelia without being banished.After Act III scene vi the fool disappears and doesn’t return to the stage again; the reason why this happens is debatable. Most agree that this is because he is no longer dramatically useful to Shakespeare but all agree that the fools absence seems to darken the mood of the play. Once the king has reached his absolute lowest there is nothing more his surrogate son can do for him. He no longer needs to be told the stupidity of his actions because Lear has finally learned to recognize the truth for himself.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Thomas Friedman †Generation Q

Journal: Thomas Friedman – Generation Q This article by Thomas Friedman covers how our generation, ‘Generation Q’, is the â€Å"quiet generation† that holds ideals and hopes that can change the world – if only we weren’t so quiet. Friedman explains that our generation has a various range of idealism but we are not brave enough to come forth and express our points. In his opinion we are not as outraged as we should be. Friedman’s claim is not something new; he is more elaborate by specifying the problem, which is on politics.Friedman explains that we need to get offline and get active within the community to truly make any politicians listen to what we need as the next coming generation. He feels our generation has become too quiet because of what technology has brought. He criticizes our generation by saying we waste time on social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. I agree that various social networking sites aren’t going to help us solve problems such as global warming.However, I strongly believe that technology has many positives that Friedman fails to recognize. He talks a lot about what his generation used to do, however he does not take into consideration that there are many factors that have differentiated ‘Generation Q’ from his generation. I feel it is also worth noting that our generation is raised with much emphasis given to higher education. This is mainly why most students are concerned with their collegiate bubble! After reading this article I would propose a few questions to Friedman.Firstly, why should ‘Generation Q’ be help responsible to clean the mess earlier generations left behind? Secondly, how do you expect college students to sort out political issues when we already have our hands full with college? Lastly, have you considered the empowering nature of technology in the world today? For example, it can do wonders to spread awareness. Friedman put a lot of expectation for ‘Generation Q’ to be as identical as his generation. He must realize that each generation has their own way to be politically active.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fine arts Essay

A study conducted has discovered the role of fine arts for the development of students in elementary school level of study. It focuses on various issues that surround the student at that level of study. The systems used during the transfer of knowledge, overall development of the student both mentally, physically and emotionally at that level of study and the attitude the student has towards school at that level has been studied. The data that was collected in an elementary school has also been seen where it shows that the students who undergo elementary level of education in arts section are well fit in society as compared to those who have not undergone. They are seen to posses’ higher self esteem and are also highly motivated to achieve in higher levels of learning. The parents were able to confirm the observations of their children who have undergone the fine arts education. The study has also looked into the role of elementary school teachers and the challenges they face in the performance of their duties. The study also looked into the limits the fine arts can go to. It is seen that fine arts has many related faculties in the higher levels of education (Evans, 2008). Introduction Art cannot be seen to answer the questions that people face in their daily lives. It can only make us to be conscious of the reality of the problems that we face in life. Arts contribution is seen in various areas which include math, analysis, cognitive capability, possession of critical thoughts and communication skills. The study of fine arts is also seen to be important in developing motivation, awareness, self belief and joint effort. Fine arts on the other hand play a major role in doing away with the gap that exists in children in society. Since arts plays a crucial role in the lives of various individuals in the world the propagators who are the art teachers have a very important role to play in it. Some of the important things they do include discovering the Childs individual needs give instruction based on the need offer a conducive learning environment and help the children in general knowledge acquisition. They also have a major role in modeling their students. The teachers though they play a critical role in the student’s ability are faced with various challenges which range from personal to those caused by other stake holders in the institution. Arts have been able to go to greater heights since most individuals have realized its importance. It has therefore been made to be part of the school curriculum, where it is integrated with other subjects. Other facets of the study of fine art in education have been looked into. They range from protectionism technology education and media arts in education (Gist, 2007). Literature review According to Abakanowicz Arts education helps to solve troubles faced by individuals. To him arts are related to almost all things that affect almost all nations in the world. It ranges from success in academics, social and emotional growth of the individuals, public commitment and equal opportunities in life. The Rand Corporation in their 2005 report with reference to illustrated arts argues that inborn pleasures and the spur of the art skill have so many effects in an individual’s life. It has been said in the report that arts bond people to the world and enable them to have other dimensions of looking at things in the world. By doing all that to a social human being it encourages togetherness and peaceful coexistence in the society. To them learning fine arts in schools helps in reducing the breach that has contributed to leaving some children behind in education sectors (Shiner, 2003). According to the 2007-08 AEP state policy database, education plan has been able to recognize the worth of arts in their daily day to day activities. About half the states in world have made art education compulsory while most of them have set arts education principles and others have set the necessary requirements for high school graduation. The American act put forward in 1994 acknowledged arts to be made to be one of the subjects that all schools in the United States should teach. According to the study carried out by Johns Hopkins in his Music lessons, it is seen that scientists can now use imaging expertise to keep track of the brain action while the students play various instruments. He found out that inventiveness run when some areas of the brain that control hang-up and self discipline are shut. According to Michael Posner of University of Oregon the arts has a role in growth of concentration in an individual. To him imaging know how is so receptive that it can be able to distinguish the brain action of students engaging in two different activities. The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw is a school that was established mainly for the purposes of art. It has been able to run seven faculties with specializations. It has been able to create employment for many professionals. It is also conducting various researches in different fields. They also offer various degree programs (Bresler, 2007). Findings Children from higher income earning parents are often exposed to arts whether the public schools offer or not. Those from poor backgrounds do not have that opportunity as their parents cannot afford the cost of meeting the required expenses. Arts have therefore helped the children from poor backgrounds to have higher heights in play fields with the children who have had the experiences earlier on. The classes in elementary level have different sizes and contain students with different gifts interests and wishes. A teacher is therefore faced with the problem of being able to accommodate all the students. A teacher has to acquire different methods of instruction in order to deal with each and every need of the student. By so doing he or she will be able to keep and improve individual learning. Often the teacher receive complains from the parents concerning the performance of their children as they think that the teacher is the only individual who hold the key to the child’s success. Most teachers in elementary level are each responsible for a class of students and they train nearly all subjects. They therefore have to look for ways of ensuring success for every child. Some may therefore decide to teach together or teach various subjects at different levels. The teachers have to be ready to work with children and to enable them to develop helpful self concepts in the child and whole development through giving them an opportunity to work paying attention to their needs and engaging them in team work (Sargent, 2010). Taking part in art especially music, boost the capability of an individual to concentrate in various activities. Hence schools which do not offer art as part of their curriculum are working against the rule of how learning occurs. They should use art as an educational tool where things are integrated to ensure effective learning, for example in music use of musical notes helps in lessons of fractions in mathematics. Arts should therefore be incorporated to other subjects to ensure its effectiveness. The pressure to increase the test scores has been a challenge as it has led to condensation of the time given to art subjects. Arts if taken into consideration have the ability to create employment for most professionals while giving children an opportunity to participate in various fields of their interests. It also enables people to gain new knowledge as the professionals in various faculties continually conduct research in their fields. The department of arts in various universities offers financial assistance to students in various departments since students from performing arts comes from the entire university. It also offers scholarships to allow people to do away with individual differences brought by culture, education and individual ability (Hurwitz & Day, 2006). Technology education has turned out to be the latest version of what used to be vocational education. It has been passed from one culture to the other and is highly ranked in the American society. It is seen to prepare people for job opportunities and to be productive in society. Media arts education on the other hand focuses on individual goals of self expression and creativity. This facet work directly with students in schools and other times teachers. Conclusion Art education should start with the belief by all the participants that art is valuable. A student should therefore be provided with art education at the elementary level so as to be able to develop their own personal abilities, talents and interests. Teachers specializing in elementary school level should be given enough training so as to be able to deal with various child differences . More research should also be carried out to dig deeper into the importance of arts education in various individuals. References Bresler, L. (2007). International handbook of research in arts education. New York: Springer Evans, B. L. (2008). The Limits of Art. London: Taylor & Francis Gist, S. (2007). Clarifying the Teacher’s Problems. New York: READ BOOKS Hurwitz, A. , & Day, M. (2006). Children and their art: methods for the elementary school. 8th ed. New York: Cengage Learning Sargent, W. (2010). Fine and Industrial Arts in Elementary Schools. New York: General Books Shiner, L. (2003). The Invention of Art: A Cultural History. Chicogo: University of Chicago Press

Friday, September 13, 2019

Computational Fluid Dynamics Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Computational Fluid Dynamics - Outline Example In the design of pipe systems it is necessary to take into account with Water Hammer effect and consequently, it is important that these Water Hammer effects be calculated with the appropriate accuracy. Application of Newton’s second law of motion to the case of unsteady flow of a compressible liquid in an elastic pipe leads ultimately to the momentum equation in pipes. The following equation expresses the law of conservation of momentum in 1D-dimension. where is the diameter of the circular pipe and is the friction factor of the pipe. The value of is a function of the Reynolds number and the roughness of the pipe and is given below. Also is the pressure of the liquid in the pipe, is the liquid velocity in the x-direction coinciding with the pipe length, is the fluid density and is the time. We notice that the convective term is negligible compared with other terms. Where is the speed of sound in the pipe as a function of the local density, the compressibility of the liquid (bulk modulus) which is defined as , the elasticity of the wall, the diameter of the pipe , the thickness of the wall and the lame coefficient of the material of the pipe. The equation (1) and (2) are a simultaneous pair of partial differential equations which relate the two dependent variable and , as function of and . All methods of analysis of Water Hammer have theses equations, or simplified forms of them, as their starting points and it is important to note the assumption and approximations which have been used in their derivation. These are as follow: The pair of partial differential equation 1 and 2 are of hyperbolic type and, consequently, linear combinations of them can be found which reduce to ordinary differential equations along two intersecting families of curves in the -plane. The Equations which specify the two families of curves and the ordinary differential

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11

Reflection Paper - Essay Example Moreover, the neither the host or the native country provide adequate protection to these people, so they are supported by non-profit organizations such as United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Due to impact of the war and social clashes people are forced to leave their native land and cross the international border to safeguard their lives, as the government of the host country is unable to provide them with necessary security and relief. From the basic understanding gained, I have realized that the increasing numbers of refugees are due to the socio-political issues such as armed conflicts, agitations and human rights violations. The social issues of immigration have increased considerably and to protect these people UNHCR organization is taking steps. I have identified that the main objective of UNHCR is to safeguard the live of people and to provide them with asylum based on International refugee law (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, n.d.). From the research assignment, I have realized that the relief centers are providing protection and taking measures to reduce displacement and resettle the refugees to their native land with proper safety. I have further learnt that UNHCR provides care in an impartial manner irrespective of race and gender. It offers care to women and children by providing them equal rights. Moreover, UNHCR is committed to provide security to the refugees and provide them with possible solution. As per my understanding the organization is highly committed to provide protection and taking measure to resettle them in their country. From the assignment provided, I have gained a rich understanding regarding the life of the immigrants and refugees. I have gained an insight that these people have to face severe issues such as rape and trafficking during their stay. I realized that refugees live a struggling

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Marketing research - Lipton yellow tea Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing - Lipton yellow tea - Research Paper Example Through this, they saw the need of dividing the market into segments according to the different geographic location, behavior of customers and the demographic and Psychographic consumer trends (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). The company has divided the market into different segments by geographic location where each segment is determined using the geographic location of the market. This is done by looking at the nation, region, parish, city, province, and neighborhood where the segment is located. The company has also divided the market by using demographic segmentation where it has determined the market groups using factors such as the age of the consumers, the gender, family life cycle and size, consumer’s income and other factors that touch on the demographic details (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). The company has thus employed the use of multiple segmentation bases where the market has been divided into segments using various segmentation factors; by this, the company has identified smaller and better target groups (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). Lipton yellow tea, as a company targets all individuals in working groups who have the ability and willingness to purchase their products. Working groups are potential consumers of Lipton Yellow tea. The company has also employed tactics that will help it in delivering and communicating the desired position to the targeted customers in the different

The Annandale Booth Restaurant Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Annandale Booth Restaurant - Case Study Example It is the duty of a chef or head cook to appoint and train prep persons and dishwashers (Bradach, 1997). Moreover, a chef or head cook is also responsible for the equipments, menu and also for the buying supplies as well. One chef is adequate for Brooks. The kitchen staff the kitchen staff of a restaurant may comprise of the following persons, such as, bread and pastry baker, vegetable, fry or a sauce chef. Moreover, each chef or cook is assigned with a specific task and has a specific job designation as well. Brooks needs at least 3 kitchen staff which can support the head chef. Kitchen workers the kitchen workers are assigned with the following tasks, such as, go after pots and pans, sit and strain soups and sauces and also to weigh and measure the ingredients as well. Moreover, they are also required to clean, peel, and slice vegetables and fruits and also to prepare salads as well. Waiter/waitress – the waiter or the waitresses in a particular restaurant are equired to perform following task, such as, serve food adn beverages, prpeare itemized chekcs and also to take customers orders as well. Moreover, they are aslo required to ensure that the person who comes to purchase alcohol or tobacco products are not under age. Brooks needs at least 4 of them on a shifting basis. Dishwasher – a dishwasher is required to supply pans, pots, utensils and aslo to clean the dishes as well. Moreover, they may also require to clean the kitchen and remove the garbage as well. In this regard, two dishwashers would be optimum for the Brooks. This method for employee selection could be highly helpful for brooks as they can recruit experienced employees for their new office and can havea headstart for their new office. Internal sourcing involves issuing an advertisement which can allow employees to have an idea regarding an available position in the organization, for which they can send their job applications. Internal sourcing has been the most common and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Comparison of two Asian Megacities Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparison of two Asian Megacities - Term Paper Example Also the internal migration brought about a rapid change with regard to the economical, social, political and demographic aspects of these cities which in turn became mega cities. It will be interesting to study Mumbai and Bangkok in the above mentioned context. Demographics: Mumbai-formerly known as Bombay until 1995- is the capital city of Maharashtra state, India; but is well deservingly called the commercial and financial capital of India. It is also one of the world’s most densely populated mega cities. Its population of lately has reached a whooping 16 million mark. As per the wikipedia information â€Å"As of 2009, Mumbai was named an Alpha world city. Mumbai is also the richest city in India and has the highest GDP of any city in South, West or Central Asia.† Mumbai is popularly known as a cultural melting pot as one finds migrants from all regions of India settled here and many more pouring in daily. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. Its population is ab out 9 million. It is the largest urban city of Thailand popularly known as the city of angels. Bangkok is perhaps the most apt example of a city representing a population of diverse cultures. Referbangkok.com confirms that â€Å"Bangkok has a true international culture with a sizable population of immigrants from China, Japan, India, America, Europe, Taiwan, South Korea, Nigeria, Malaysia and Singapore. Bangkok is also believed to be a host for a good number (approx. 400 – 600 thousand) of illegal immigrants from Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, China, and other countries.† Economy: In older times Mumbai’s economy revolved around its cotton textile industry. Textile industries still bear a lot of importance in Mumbai’s economy. But as a result of globalization Mumbai has emerged as an epicenter of a large number of economic activities. City-data.com gives the current account of Mumbai’s financial str engths mentioning that â€Å"Mumbai is home to some of India's largest and wealthiest industrial conglomerates, such as the Aditya Birla Group, Godrej, and Tata & Sons. More specialized economic activities are diamond cutting, computers, and movie making (in sheer numbers, Mumbai, or "Bollywood," produces more movies than any other city in the world, including Hollywood). In addition to manufacturing, Mumbai is a leading commercial and financial center. The city is home to the Reserve Bank of India, the Mumbai Stock Exchange, and a variety of other major financial institutions. The government and service sectors are also important in the city's economy.† Bangkok too is the financial center of Thailand. At one time, the major source of income in Bangkok was agriculture. But over the period of time it has solidified Thailand’s economy through establishing itself as the commercial center of not only Thailand but also Southeast Asia for imports and exports. Referring to Ba ngkok industries City-data.com reveals that †Food processing, textiles, and the production of building materials are the chief manufacturing enterprises. Other industries include cement, electronics, petroleum refining, and tourism.† The presence of Bangkok stock exchange and a majority of banks in Bangkok confirm the city’s status as the financial center of Thailand. Environmental Issues: The local politicians, administrators play an important role in the growth of a city in general. But Mumbai perhaps is the worst example

Monday, September 9, 2019

Seoul City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Seoul City - Essay Example Ostensibly, the Korean people learned how a conflict can paralyze the economy of a country. The term is a representation of rapid industrialization, urbanization, economic boom, education boom, technological advancement, skyscraper boom, a rise in living standards and modernization. This culminated in the successful hosting of the 1988 Summer Olympics Championship. Additionally, Seoul City co-hosted the 2002- FIFA World Cup. Consequently, the country transformed from the near destruction of the Korea War into globalization and democratization. The city is celebrated as wealthy, developed with sound economic viability and exerting a global economic influence (The Korean Economy - the Miracle on the Hangang River). Currently, it boasts of prominent multinational companies such as Samsung, Hyundai-Kia, and LG. More specifically, the term refers to the economic growth of Seoul city through which River Han flows. It is fascinating to note that it is termed a ‘miracle’ as it r epresents the economic rebirth of the country between the periods 1961 to 1996. Initially, the country was crippled by the Korean War that saw an escalation of poverty levels and unemployment rates. Interestingly, in less than four years, Seoul became a global city, a highly developed economic hub, center of business and commerce. It opened grounds for technological advancement and the development of communication infrastructure. Currently, the inhabitants consider the opulence as national pride as well as a symbol of self-sufficiency.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

How does today's film in the U.S influence people perception of Research Proposal

How does today's film in the U.S influence people perception of Chinese culture (Please try to focus on a specific film genres) - Research Proposal Example Xie (9) has carried out a number of research projects on the influence of media on Asian stereotyping giving particular focus and emphasis on how the Chinese culture is portrayed in films in the United States of America (USA). In the research projects conducted, various issues were pointed out and they included; discrimination and racism. The goal of this research as the ones conducted byXie (7) is to identify how a majority of films in the United States of America (USA) miss represent the chines culture. The research shall focus on how Chinese men are represented by films in the USA, how Chinese women are represented by films in the USA, the level of violence associated to them as well as the morals and ethics about the Chinese culture that are miss represented or represented accordingly in the films. For example, a majority of the female chines characters are portrayed in many of the films in USA as being highly sexually seductive individuals and they are trained from a tender age to use this seductive technique to kill men. A majority of the films portray Chinese people as highly trained in elements of martial arts, these is evident in films where Chinese actors Jackie Chan and Jet Li are anchored, this exhibits fraudulent behavior (Chan, 3). Other films portray the Chinese as highly intelligent individuals, mostly appearing in films as computer wizards and sharp when it comes to solving puzzles and mathematical queries (Chan51)Not forgetting about the ethics and morals, some films portray chines girls as immoral, being used for sexual activities especially in the USA as illegal immigrants, other films portray the Chinese people as good and calm with high consideration of the four elements of nature i.e. land, water, and air (Stein, 7). With critical analysis of data intended to be collected, this research will help give a clear picture of what the Chinese culture is really about and whether what we see

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hunger in America by Richard Mitchell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hunger in America by Richard Mitchell - Essay Example It is not their fault given that they are â€Å"mentally ill† thus advocating critical thinking as the cure for fundamental literalism will not help. It is like asking a physically challenged person to run. 2. Response Bill Barnhart’s son did not have cheerios and grape juice for his last meal. In my understanding, the story of Bill Barnhart is an allegorical one, which is given to show that reading (cheerios and grape juice) for fundamental literalist (hungry people) does not provide a solution to their problem (hunger). The hunger from which Bill Barnhart’s son suffered from is the mindless, non-attentive, non-judicious and non-reflective reading of language. Eating the meal made of cheerios and grape juice was supposed to relieve him his hunger, rather he died after eating. Thus the meal of cheerios and grape juice should be taken as the medicine that fundamental literalists take when they are hungry. It is therefore not true (False) that Bill Barnhart’ s son took cheerios and grape juice for supper.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Sample Reflection Assignments Essay Example for Free

Sample Reflection Assignments Essay Written assignments are of two types: Reflections and Project Reports. Reflections: An essential element for student learning in service-learning courses is written and oral reflections on the field study experience, as well as on other elements of the course. To have an experience isn’t enough to ensure learning; you need to intentionally and thoughtfully reflect upon the experience and what you learned from it to ensure that learning occurs. As T.S. Eliot once wrote (The Four Quartets, New York: Harcourt Brace, 1943, p. 24), you can â€Å"have the experience but miss the meaning.† Towards this end there are eight written reflections required in this course. These reflections are intended to help you focus in on what you are learning (or not learning), identify issues or concerns on your mind, explore an idea more deeply, or in other ways enhance your learning about the course topics, yourself, and others. According to the North Carolina State Service-Learning Program (Reflection and Articulating Learning, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. NC State, 2004) â€Å"the best reflection follows a simple three step model: (1) describe the experience(s) objectively, (2) analyze the experience(s) in terms of the categories of service-learning objectives (personal, civic, academic), and (3) articulate (express) the learning that results. We will go over these steps as part of our first reflection exercise. These reflections should be approximately two pages long (500 words). They will be graded. The best six out of eight grades will be used towards your final grade. Evaluation of reflections will use a set of criteria (rubric) to be distributed and discussed in class. Project reports: There will be a series of written assignments related to your service-learning project. In preparation for the write-up of the final project report for the community partner (along with other possible final products like videos, curricula, maps, etc.), students will prepare a written work plan and two progress reports (schedule to be provided). All of these written assignments will be graded and become part of the final grade. Details on all of these written assignments will be provided and discussed in class. COURSE: Cultural Health Care (NURS 105) INSTRUCTOR: Rycki Maltby PhD, RN, FRCNA Final Paper (25%) The purpose of this paper is to synthesize your learning over the semester. The paper should be 8-10 typed (word processed) pages, 12 cpi, and follow the attached guidelines for written assignments. Using the service-learning project, the cultural self-study, and the in-class reflections, discuss what you have learned. What surprised you? Has your thinking/perspective about particular issues changed? Did you become aware of the subjective nature of value judgments? Why or why not? Can you find any support in the literature for your position? Provide evidence of at least four articles. What is the next step for you in learning about cultural health care? Be sure to provide examples from your practice and tie in literature. Guidelines for Written Assignments ‘A’ Level 1. Introduction is comprehensive, gives reader good direction, ‘sets the scene’, and is followed throughout paper. 2. Summary/conclusion is thoughtful and relevant. 3. Fundamental issues addressed in depth with original arguments and critical judgements, demonstrating insight and creativity. 4. Current and classic primary literature sources are utilized. 5. Writing style shows evidence of individuality, unity and fluency. 6. Overall presentation of the paper is  professional with no errors in syntax, spelling, etc. (i.e. Proper English language usage), and follows APA format. ‘B’ Level 1. Introduction gives reader direction and is addressed throughout the paper. 2. Summary/conclusion is clear and concise. 3. Fundamental issues addressed with evidence of some original arguments and critical judgments. 4. Current literature sources utilized (primary and secondary) 5. Writing style is fluent with evidence of individuality and clarity. 6. Overall presentation of paper is neat and well organized with few minor errors in syntax, spelling, etc. (i.e. Proper English language usage), and follows APA format. ‘C’ Level 1. Introduction gives reader direction. 2. Summary/conclusion is clear and concise. Fundamental issues described but limited originality of arguments and few critical judgments. 3. Limited literature sources are utilized (current and/or classic). 4. Writing style is fluent and some evidence of individuality and clarity. 5. Overall presentation of paper is neat and minor errors in syntax, spelling, etc. (i.e. proper English language usage), and follows APA format. COURSE: Adv. Development Sem.: Communities and Human Development (PSY 366) FACULTY: Lynne Bond Final Writing Assignment: At the end of the semester, you will be assigned a final writing assignment. The purpose of that assignment will be to help you integrate the reading, writing, discussion, and data gathering, analysis and interpretation we have done during the semester. The exact format of that assignment will be shaped, in part, by the development of our community-based project. As we progress throughout the semester, we will work together to develop more explicit guidelines for this project. COURSE: Community Psychology (PSY 295) FACULTY: Lynne Bond Analytical/Critical Reflection (2 pages): These brief papers are to focus specifically upon the week’s reading assignment and its relation to our community field work, other readings, and personal experience and observations of your own. Your goal is not to summarize the readings. Rather, you should analyze and reflect critically upon a couple significant issues raised in the readings. To reiterate, ideally you will critically reflect upon these readings by linking them with other material we have covered in our course (readings/discussion), community field work you have done, and other aspects of your experience and knowledge (e.g. personal history, issues observed in media, other courses†¦etc.). We will discuss and practice â€Å"reflection† activities in class at the beginning of the semester to help you feel more comfortable and prepared to complete these reflection papers. Intro to the Nonprofit Field (Carrie Williams Howe) Final Reflection Assignment: WHAT? What have you learned through this course? What stands out to you, feels new to you, excites you, or challenges you? SO WHAT? Why does this learning matter? Why does it stand out to you? Why is it important to you personally or in the bigger picture? NOW WHAT? What do you do from here? How will you take this learning with you? Does this learning change your perspective, your career goals, or your interests? Your reflection should be 3-5 pages long and should dig deeply into this experience to reflect on your learning. It should connect to academic concepts and critically examine your own development through this learning. You will be graded based on the reflection rubric provided in your syllabus. During Service Reflection: Critical Analysis Papers (9): You will be asked to write a brief critical analysis paper for each topic we cover in this course. These papers should thoughtfully connect your experience at your nonprofit to what you are learning from readings and course notes. These reflections should be about 2 pages and will be graded based your ability to integrate the following: Information about your Nonprofit – the actual information about your nonprofit in relation to the topic we are studying (list of board members, for example), and an examination your own experience in learning about or being involved with this element of the agency. Your synthesis, interpretation, and analysis of the above factors with course information (for example – does it align with the reading? Does it seem effective? Might you suggest changes or improvements?).